1- Here take ...... folder and put it on the desk.
a- These
b- This
c- Those
2- I ...... like to watch TV. There is good film on.
a- Was
b- Would
c- Want
3- Those girls always ..... to loud music.
a- Listens
b- Listen
c- Listening
4- My friend Anita ....... Sports.
a- Loved
b- Loves
c- Love
5- Tell me ..... you coming to the party?
a- Are
b- Is
c- Am
6- The swimming pool... at 7:00 in the Morning.
a- Opens
b- Open
c- Opening
7- The heritage property is always the ...... hotel to stay in.
a- Most luxurious
b- More luxurious
c- Luxurious
8- Which is the correct sentence?
a- He feels terrible if he usually loses his temper.
b- He usually feels terrible if he loses his temper.
9- Good Students always ...... their homework.
a- Do
b- Does
c- Doing
10- They ..... a cat and dog.
a- Has
b- Have
c- Having
11- This scarf is .... Than the one in the window.
a- More beautiful
b- Most beautiful
c- Beautiful
12- What ..... she do in her free time.
a- Does
b- Do
c- Doing
13- Somebody most ..... taken my cellphone.
a- Has
b- Have
c- Was
14- She ..... not want to stay at home.
a- Does
b- Do
c- Doing
15- Where ..... they go yesterday?
a- Does
b- Did
c- Do
16- You are ....... Person I have ever seen in my life.
a- The meanest
b- Meaner
c- More mean
17- These colors are the ..... I have ever seen.
a- Not amazing
b- Less amazing
c- Most amazing
18- Which is the correct sentence?
a- We always watch television in the evening.
b- We watch television in always the evening.
19- The Taj was.... Than the holiday inn.
a- Expensive
b- Most Expensive
c- More Expensive
20- Ramji is a .... Gardener than Santosh.
a- Good
b- Better
c- Less Better
21- Look at ...... newspaper here.
a- This
b- These
22- Which is the correct sentence?
a- She always complains about her husband.
b- She complains about her husband always.
23- Which is the correct sentence?
a- I go jogging in always the morning.
b- I always go jogging in the morning.
24- Which is the correct sentence?
a- I always eat vegetables and fruits.
b- Eat vegetables and always fruits.
25- ....... Big building over there is the parliament.
a- This
b- That
c- These
26- Fill in the blank with correct option so that this becomes an order: don’t ............ football in the yard.
a- Play
b- Plays
c- Played
27- Please visit our website for.... Details.
a- Most
b- Many
c- More
28- My son ...... a video game for his birthday.
a- Likes
b- Would like
c- Like
29- Anita .... Tennis very well.
a- Play
b- Plays
c- Played
30- I ..... Lions and Tigers very much.
a- Like
b- Would like
31- The Olympic games ..... place every four year.
a- Taking
b- Take
c- Takes
32- Are ......... your pencils in this box.
a- These
b- This
c- That
33- They ... to buy a house but they haven’t got enough money.
a- Would like
b- Like
34- She has never....... Something like that before.
a- Done
b- Doing c- Did
35- Fill in the blank with correct option so that this become in order: ........up stairs.
a- Going
b- Gone
c- Go
36- Fill in the blank with correct option so that this become in order: don’t ....... In this lake.
a- Swimming
b- Swim
c- Swims
37- I ..... to have a car.
a- Would like
b- Like
38- They ..... a cat and dog.
a- Have
b- Has
c- Having
39- Mike ...... children very much.
a- Would like
b- Likes
40- She ...... playing tennis.
a- Would like
b- Likes
41- Fill in the blank with correct option so that this become an order: don’t ..... late for school.
a- Is
b- Am
c- Be
42- I never ........ Coffee.
a- Drinks
b- Drink
c- Drinking
43- What .... You do every Sunday?
a- Do
b- Did
c- Does
44- You should not ....... Called him a fool.
a- Has
b- Have
c- Having
45- Fill in the blank with correct option so that this becomes an order: don’t .......... Football in the yard.
a- Play
b- Plays
c- Played
46- Ann ...... to work for this company.
a- Would like
b- Likes
47- I .... To eat a pizza tonight.
a- Like
b- Would like
48- Bad driving ........ many accidents.
a- Causing
b- Causes
c- Cause
49- It ..... at 900 in the evening.
a- Closes
b- Close
c- Closing
50- Fill the blank with correct option that this become an order: ..... your teeth.
a- Brushing
b- Brush
c- Brushed
51- Anita ....... Tennis very well.
a- Play
b- Played
c- Plays
52- I .... Hungry.
a- Are
b- Am
c- Be
53- You ......... the wrong dress for the interview.
a- Choose
b- Choosen
c- Chose
54- My students .............. a little English.
a- Spoken
b- Speak
c- Speaks
55- How much ..... it.
a- Is
b- Are
c- Am
56- You ....... Reading non-stop for hours so you must be very tired.
a- Have been
b- Having been
c- Has been
57- They .... Finished the job.
a- Has
b- Have
c- Having
58- They ..... help you.
a- Was
b- Will
c- Want
59- He ........ called me twice this morning.
a- Have
b- Has
c- Having
60- मुझे याद है तब दन भर बहुत बारिश हुई थी।
a- I remember than it rained a lot all day.
b- I remember it was raining heavily all day.
c- I remember why it was raining heavily all day.
d- I remember it had not been raining heavily all day.
61- They post so many things there many times a day.
a- वे दिन में अनेको बार बहुत सी कहानियाँ पोस्ट करते है।
b- वे दिन में कई बार कहानियाँ लिखते है।